Friday, December 22, 2006

Bloom where you are planted...

So, it's two days till Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature is peeping - well, maybe Elvis the cat. Yes, yes, we're back in the hospital.

Our stockings haven't made it to the mantle yet, but a beautiful, fresh cut tree stands in the living room - without lights or ornaments yet, but big and fat and smelling like Christmas!

All is basically well, but counts from the past few weeks have shown that Sophie is anemic, so we scheduled a transfusion for this morning at the clinic. This morning, however, Sophie awoke with a fever of 101.9, so we came directly to the clinic anticipating that we will be here for a few days to get IV antibiotics and watch daily counts. Yesterday her Absolute Neutrophil Count was quite low (.18 - normal begins at 8.1). Today the count is up a bit to .5, so it's looking better. We're hopeful that we'll be home for Christmas, but have made arrangements to bring Christmas to GUH, just in case.

We're thinking of all of our friends and family - that's YOU - this holiday, and miss you so very much. May your holiday be happy and healthy, and may Santa bring everything on your list - assuming you haven't been too this year!!

We'll update as we know more! Much love to all!

1 comment:

Jami Sherman said...

Hello Sophie!

How lucky am I that I was able to be your nurse 2 days in a row! And your mom told me you said my name today. Do you know how excited I was for that? You are such a sweetie and I can't get enough of those big blue eyes. I hope you feel great and I wish you and your family, yes..even your growing by the moment brother zach, a wonderful holiday. See you soon.

With warm thoughts,