Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year...

We are sending wished for a wonderful New Year to all of our family and friends! May 2007 be healthful and prosperous for you all!

Today we are waiting for discahrge from GUH after a night's stay in C53 for Sophie's sisth cycle of chemo. Everything is going fine, and we hope to be on our way in an hour or so. Sophie hadled everything great as usual, but had a little nausea and vomiting early this morning. After going back to sleep for a few hours, she woke up asking to eat and threw back a banana and some cereal, so the tummy is much better now.

So far so good for the new year, Zach is back to school, and we're hoping that Sophie will be able to go back to daycare net Monday, even if only for a few days. We all need a break from each other following the holidays.

Santa was very good to our little munchkins. Zach got an acoustic guitar which he has decided he already knows how to play, so he won't need lessons of course. Sophie got a Disney Princess kitchen and tea set which is keeping us all busy keeping it put away. Zach has decided he is The Handsom Prince (not price Charming - as he was mean in Shrek 2 - Zach logic!), Sophie is Cinderella (of Course), Mom is princess Aurora (it's a blond thing I guess) and Dad is the King (or the Prince's Dad as he calls him). Sophie and Zach bake us cookies and serve tea on a regular basis now. Luckily there are no calories!

Zach's teacher had a baby boy last week, so he has a new teacher for the rest of the school year. He seems to like her very much and is very excited about school.

Well, we've been dedicating a bunch of our time and effort to Sophie's health for some time. Now, it's Zach's turn. He has had some blood in his stool for a couple of months which a pediatric gastrointerologist tells us is probably what is called a juvenile polyp. We've scheduled a colonoscopy for January 18. They will Check things out and remove the polyp. The doctor doesn't think that this will be a long-term issue for Zach - just another inconvenience. Lucky for Zach he is familiar with the environment here at GUH, so he doesn't have anxiety about the procedure. The major part ofr him will be the preparations - a liquid diet for two days prior (Can you make a chicken nugget and freich fry smoothie?) That same week, we are seeing a specialist to do an ADD/ADHD assessment. We've been putting this off hoping that he would 'grow out of it', but his impule issues are starting to affect his schoolwork so we want to get things on track while the school demands are still low in kindergarten.

So that's an update for the beginning of our 2007. Everything is actually moving in a very positive direction - although it seems to have some bumps in the road. We are all in great spirits and ready to take on whatever life throws at us. Our family is stronger now than a year ago!

Wishing you all well - those near and far. Youare always in our thoughts and in our hearts!

p.s. - a special shout out to our nurse friends You know who you are! - those that are returning from travels soon - we can't wait to see you; and one who is leaving us for a new adventure - all the best and thank you!


Jami Sherman said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! You guys are quite the family and it is so completely obvious to us all how strong you are and the love you have for each other. It's inspiring!
Well, I work on the 18th of January, so I will see you then. Not sure if this is something Zach will need to stay over for...? So, if not, stop by if you can! I'm glad to hear Sophie's tummy is feeling better. ;) See you soon!

Anonymous said...

salut mike
bonne année et bonne santé à toute la famille.
c'est un éssai