Friday, September 01, 2006

It's all good...

Okay so I've had this post in draft mode for some time now awaiting pictures. Here it is! More to come, it's been an eventful month - here's how it started...

Well, this post, for a delightful change, is more about happy events in the Soussi-Tanani household than the challenges that have become so regular in our lives. This week, Zach had his first day of Kindergarten. He was so thrilled, and so excited - and admitedly a little scared, but he did great. The whole family walked to the bus stop on Monday (8/28) and waited patiently for the bus to arrive. Getting on the bus proved to be much more traumatic for Mom and Dad than for Zach. With a very sweet kiss goodbye, he was off - and so were we in our car to follow him to school. There was no way we were missing that photo op!

The bus was late arriving at the school, so Zach, and a neighbor and fellow kindergartner, Rebecca were quietly waiting in the All Purpose Room when we arrive. Usually they do not permit parents to the classrooms on the first day - it's a bit chaotic as you can imagine - but the bus delay was a great opportunity for us. We were able to escort both Zach and Rebecca to class - that meant even more pictures, and an extra chance to say goodbye and have fun!

Zach aged so much in our eyes as he entered the room with a sweet and sing-songy "Good Morning Ms. Nguyen." We teared up once again and then left to go on with our day - and Zach to go on with his.

There are so many amazing moments in our lives right now. So many opportunities to really appreciate our children and to watch them enjoy life. We truely believe that everything happens for a reason, and our challenges have sprouted these opportunities and opened our eyes. Wow, we are so incredibly lucky!

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